Lying Signals – Do you know how does it impact your conversation during a job interview?
“Sorry, the role/position has been put on hold.”
“We will get back to you or we will let you know.”
“We have not made any decision, as the decision maker is on leave or travelling or busy or unwell.”
“We have got the positive feedback about you from the hiring manager/panel, but we are in the process of assessing other candidates. If we decide to go ahead with you, we will communicate and reach out to you.”
And a few days later, you receive a rejection mail.
Sounds familiar?
I am certain you must have experienced such baffling situations, while you were anticipating a positive outcome of the interview you gave recently, and were eagerly waiting to join the esteemed organization.
Throughout the interview process, you did everything right – you appeared confident, you were articulative in your responses, you gave all the right answers and you had the right skill-sets for the role in discussion.
Then what went wrong?
Let me bring a larger perspective here.
I am not questioning the integrity of the process here, and there could be valid reasons. But in general, this has been my experience being part of the industry for more than twenty years. At times it is hard to figure out the real reason for disqualification. And in my personal opinion, I strongly support an honest and open feedback from the organization in case of rejection of being put on hold. But that’s not the point of discussion in this article. Let’s talk about what could have gone wrong that led to one of the aforementioned responses from the organization.
Throughout the entire job application process – the potential candidate’s (i.e., your) goal is to make himself/herself seem like the most desirable candidate and the best fit for the role or the job. And there is nothing wrong with it, because the objective is to do well in the interview and get the dream job.
But, how do we do that? Are we really truthful and honest about us? Don’t get me wrong here. I am not trying to show you a mirror. All I am trying here is to explain a perspective that can help you with your planning and at the same time caution you about a few things you should never resort to.
Coming up with answers to interview questions involves being strategic. After all, it’s smart—and expected—to frame your responses to your own advantage. And, therefore we focus only on the positives when responding to interview questions. We talk about our favorable experiences and skills while avoiding mentioning about our weaknesses, and knowledge gaps.
However, there’s a difference between picking up which details we decide to share and outright lying, and sometimes that line can become fuzzy.
Lying during the job interview process to beef up attractiveness to our candidature is pretty common these days. The desperation of getting a job can drive such behaviors among the candidates. But, the flip side of it is that it leads to bringing an element of doubt in the minds of the hiring managers, which in-turn is at the root of those aforementioned responses.
I recommend- try to be as truthful as possible, but don’t be brutally honest about everything. Try to be more strategic in framing your answers avoiding common pit-falls. But having said that you have to be cognizant of non-verbal gestures and subtle indicators that play fulcrum in the process and can lead to your rejection, even though you think you did pretty well.
Here is a list of Lying Signals you should be aware of and at any cost should steer yourself clear of them:
A. Lying Signals – Looking down:
Don’t look down at the floor frequently breaking the eye contact with the hiring manager or the panel. It means something is wrong with what you have been trying to articulate. It shows you are nervous or may be hiding something.
B. Lying Signals – High Voice Pitch:
Keep it normal, a high-pitched voice is an indicator that you are trying too hard to prove your point and could be making it up. Remember a polite answer goes a long way and keeping composure throughout the interview process is an acquired skill set and remember the hiring manager will try his/her level best to check how you perform or react to different situations and scenarios. So, keep it cool and answer politely. Even if you don’t know the answer, say it politely.
C. Lying Signals – Clearing Throat:
There is a scientific reason behind it. The central nervous system will stop the flow of saliva and your throat will dry up if the question has hit your weak point. Keep it in mind, it is better to be honest about the fact that you don’t know the answer, than trying to clear throat and making it all up.
D. Lying Signals – Touching Your Face:
If you are frequently scratching your nose or ear lobes, it gives a subtle message to the hiring manager that you are trying to bring an element of fabrication. So, it is best possible to avoid it. Now, there could be a scenario that the room is humid or you are sweaty due to the environmental factor, but in that case you should take care of hygiene and apt dressing basis the environment.
However tempting it may appear to lie during a job interview, there are some really good practical—and moral—reasons to avoid it. It could damage your reputation in the industry over a period of time. And with a robust background check process in place, there will be a very high chance to get caught soon.
Let me share an experience. When I was working for one of the biggest financial services organizations a decade or so back, a lady use to work in my team, and she was doing pretty well for herself, a good performer. But, three months later, one fine day, abruptly, she stopped coming to office. When I enquired about what really happened, I got to know that she was terminated without any notice period, because of the integrity issues. She had failed in her background check test. What you must understand that you are not safe even when you have managed to enter the organization through whatever means you may have resorted to. The background verification will catch up with you at some point in time. These guys are like real experts, they do a very thorough background check on every aspect of the background.
Be smart, frame your answers thinking it through, practice it well. The hiring managers are looking for forming connects, they are keen to know about your professional experiences, your stories, and how they fit into their larger realm of schemes. And your answers should help the hiring manager take that decision quickly without much hassle and that can only be possible when you are smart in your articulation and keep avoiding pit-falls during the conversation.
Give adequate time to your interview preparation. Remember, it is not a one-night effort or a day’s effort just before the interview. That may not work in case you are appearing for your last and the most critical round. Don’t take it lightly. I suggest keep 2 weeks of concentrated efforts for it into your planning. As much as you are keen to get to the job, the organization is also looking to hire good high potential candidates.
In conclusion, lying signals can have a significant impact on your job interview conversations, leading to baffling and misleading responses from employers. While it is natural to present ourselves in the best light during interviews, crossing the line into outright dishonesty can be detrimental to our chances. Recognizing and avoiding lying signals, such as avoiding eye contact, using a high-pitched voice, clearing the throat excessively, or touching one’s face, is crucial for maintaining credibility and composure.
Being truthful about your strengths and weaknesses while strategically framing your responses is the key to making a positive impression. Remember, maintaining honesty and integrity throughout the interview process not only reflects your character but also safeguards your reputation in the long run. Background checks are becoming increasingly thorough, making it essential to be transparent from the start. Invest time and effort in interview preparation, as it is a gradual process that requires careful planning and practice to succeed. By being smart and authentic in your approach, you can increase your chances of landing that dream job and forging genuine connections with potential employers.